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Welcome! I’m Kim.
As a developmental editor and writing coach, I help writers address issues in their books relating to structure, plot, characterization, writing craft, and more. Some of the specific services I provide include:
- Editing 1st pages, up to 10,000 words
- Editing short stories and creative nonfiction pieces
- Editing poetry and flash-length pieces
- Coaching clients in private Zoom sessions
- Teaching writers in group workshops
I encourage you to poke around my website to find out more about what I offer. And if you really want to get to know me and get in on some writing fun, sign up above for my free e-publication, [KIM’S NOTES].
Why Me?
As a developmental editor and writing teacher, I’ve worked with hundreds of writers—
some with serious publishing ambitions and some
who are just serious about learning the craft.
Here’s what they say about me…

A Little List of Christmas Literature
I like to change up my reading vibe according to the seasons. Spooky reads in fall, snowy reads in winter, etc. Christmas deserves its own category, and if you’re in the mood for some Christmas literature, I’ve got a few recs. for you. I’m skipping over Little Women and A Christmas Carol, because you already…

In Which Herman Melville Seeks Critique in an Internet Forum
There’s an online writing activity I like about as much as having someone else floss my teeth—posting the first line of a story in internet forums to receive critique from whoever’s willing to help. This practice is common on Reddit; I’ve also seen these threads in Facebook groups that are otherwise valuable places for writers…

Writing Spooky Stories
People love spooky stories, from cozy-creepy to hard-core horror. As a reader, it’s exciting to see how people react when put in danger, to indulge our curiosity without real world consequences, to experience fear from a safe place. As with humor, horror works by subverting the familiar. In comedy that might come from an insertion…